Growing In September- Vegetables & Leafy Greens To Keep Busy

Keep gardening going until late fall.

We are entering the fall time and you would think there isn’t much you can grow now. Not the case at all! There are lots of veggies we can grow and what would ensure an even longer grow time is a hoop house, greenhouse or even a simple plastic covering. Let’s go over a long list of vegetables and leafy greens that can be grown through fall and possibly the beginning of winter2.

Radishes and beets

These root veggies like the cooler temperatures. September still has some warm days so many vegetables still have time to germinate. I suggest direct sow into the ground or containers. Depending on the variety of radishes they can be planted close together at least 3-4 inches apart. Another awesome fact is that radishes have a fast turnover so after 30-45 days you can harvest and enjoy. Beets may take a little longer but you can still harvest earlier, the beets will just be smaller.

All things peas

Peas peas everywhere! Snow peas, sugar snap peas and even regular peas. They typically don’t grow well during summer due to the heat. September however it starts to cool off and the peas will germinate well and give them a good head start. They will grow faster it it’s a bit warmer so if its not warm enough to germinate that week, cover it with a plastic dome like a milk jug in order to keep the humidity in.

Leafy greens

This category is rather large because there are so many leafy green options to plant. All of these plants can be direct sown or started indoors in seedling trays. Let’s start with lettuce! This is great weather for getting lettuce started as well as spinach and even swiss chard! Aside from those leafy greens I’m growing, you can try mustard greens and yes you guessed it, kale. Kale loves this weather. These veggies have a fast turnover and can be grown even in cold weather with a hoop house.

Carrots and parsnips

Carrots and parsnips love the cold weather! If we sow carrots and parsnips seeds now, then they’ll be able to grow even through winter if you have a hoop house. I can’t help but get excited getting people to garden even at unconventional times. The beautiful thing about carrots is that they actually get sweeter with the frost. Remember hoop houses always extend the growing season by a month or 2. Imagine harvesting in late December? That would be awesome.

Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower

Now I need to start off by saying that these type of Brassicas love the cold weather BUT they need to be started months in advance. They take a while to mature so it has to be started during the summer time in order for them to mature in the fall. If you started them earlier then you’re good to grow. You could attempt to plant seedlings now if you live in zones 7 or higher with a hoop house though but it may be a 50/50 chance. If you don’t get any vegetables from the plant it’s ok we can try again. That’s what’s wonderful about gardening, we get to try again. Plus you can eat the leaves! Never fear, I know summer is coming to a close but we can keep the gardening alive and well.

